先設定 IMM IP 為 static IP,同時設定 netmask、gateway。

IMM 初始設定的使用者名稱和密碼分別為USERID 和PASSW0RD

登入 IMM Web,設定頁面自動登出時間。

設定開機偵測 log
IMM Control -> System Settings -> IMM Information -> Name(SN# 99V1133) ->
Name(BackEnd) -> Server Timeouts -> OS watchdog  -> 0.0 min ->
Loader watchdog -> 0.0 min -> Power off delay -> 15 min

修改 IMM Date and Time
IMM Control -> System Settings -> Set IMM Date and Time -> Network Time Protocol ->
enabled -> www.stdtime.gov.tw -> 180 -> Save

新增 IMM Web 登入帳號
IMM Control -> Login Profiles -> add user -> Login ID -> Password ->
Confirm password -> Authority Level -> Supervisor -> Save

登出 USERID 後,可用新 ID 刪除 USERID 帳號(Clear Login Profile)。

IMM Control -> Login Profiles -> Global Login Settings ->
Lockout period after 5 login failures -> 240 Minutes -> Save

IMM Control -> Alerts -> Remote Alert Recipient -> Status -> enabled ->
Name -> flyfox -> E-mail address -> flyfox@pixnet.net ->
Include event log with e-mail alerts -> Critical Alerts  ->
Warning Alerts -> System Alerts -> Save

SNMP Alerts Settings -> Critical Alerts -> Warning Alerts -> System Alerts -> Save

修改 DNS(需要重開 IMM)
IMM Control -> Network Protocols -> Domain Name System (DNS) Address assignments ->
Additional DNS addresses -> Enabled -> DNS server IP address 1 -> ->
DNS server IP address 2 -> -> DNS server IP address 3 ->

關閉 telnet
IMM Control -> Network Protocols -> Telnet Protocol -> Telnet connection count ->

製作 HTTPS 認證
IMM Control -> Security -> HTTPS Server Certificate Management
未認證 HTTPS Server certificate status:  No Certificate is installed.
Generate a New Key and a Self-signed Certificate ->
SSL Self-signed Certificate -> Certificate Data
Country (2 letter code)  TW
State or Province   TC
City or Locality   Taipei
Organization Name   flyfox
IMM Host Name    flyfoxBackEnd

Optional Certificate Data
Contact Person    flyfox
Email Address    flyfox@pixnet.net

Generate Certificate
HTTPS Server certificate status:  A self-signed Certificate is installed.

IMM Control -> Security -> HTTPS Server Configuration for Web Server ->
HTTPS Server -> Enabled -> Save

儲存 IMM 設定
IMM Control -> Configuration File -> Backup IMM Configuration -> Backup

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